Temple University Student Elections


1. Why Should I Vote?????
Every registered student at Temple University has the right and privilege to vote. You should vote because elected TSG executive office and representatives have a direct effect on your academic and social life at Temple University.
2. What can I expect during the online voting process?
Step One: You will use your AccessNet ID and Password to authenticate yourself.
Step Two: You will be presented with a choice of Slates to vote for.  You will be able to confirm these choices.
You will be able to confirm these choices and complete your vote.

3. Who do I call if I have a problem with my AccessNet ID or Password authentication?
If you have any sort of problem with your AccessNet ID and Password when you try to log on, send an email to tsgelect@temple.edu
4. There was an error on one of the pages in the voting process. Who do I call?
If you have any technical problems during the voting process, please call Computer Services at 215-204-8000.